Excellent article.

I hope you will speak more about the importance of environment; specifically how one can use wisdom skills to flourish in an extremely negative environment. Personally, when I was in such an environment, I found it very difficult to overcome the constant onslaught of negative input. Despite my advanced wisdom skills, I remained in survival mode. The solution for me was to move far away from that environment and cut ties with all of my relationships that were toxic and unhealthy. Only then was I able to flourish. But what of the people who aren't able to make such drastic changes? How can they thrive?

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I enjoyed reading the article and am excited to hear about how genetic predispositions for wisdom can be enhanced through actions/practice. It was very interesting to realize that genetic predispositions are also present for the wisdom skills like empathy, mindfulness, humility, gratitude, etc. Connecting the bridge between genetics and environment was done very well and was interesting to read in the article.

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Really interesting!

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